

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Animal Websites

Here are 2 animal websites good for kids.



Squirrel Chase

As I went out side today to check on my tomatoes, I saw two squirrels chasing each other and making funny sounds. There was a third squirrel in the tree to, but it didn't do anything. I think it was a female and the squirrels are fighting to prove which on is the best.

Saturday, June 28, 2008


A few days ago we were going to adopt a dog named Burger, but first vets had to check it for illnesses and vaccinate it and stuff. Unfortuenetly, they found out poor Burger had heartworm disease. Like cancer for dogs, it is transmitted by misquitos and is very deadly. But if you find out early enough, the dog may have a chance of surviving. The treatment is to make your take a dose of medicine that kills off all the adult worms. For more info click here.

Friday, June 20, 2008


Did you know skunks can do handstands? Young skunks practice doing handstands to use later. The do a handstand when spraying enemies.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Dog and Cat: Which first?

Here's a challenge for all you animal lovers out there.

If you want to house a cat and dog together, what should you do first?

A: Have a cat and then a dog
B:Have a dog first and then a cat
C: Put both together at the same time

Answer: Put the dog first, because cats will first think it is a guest at the home so it will treat the dog with more respect because it is already living there. If you put the cat first, the cat would think: Hey! This is my territory! It would think the dog is a invader.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Unicorn's Friend

The closest animal to a unicorn is actually a rhino. Surprised? It's the only animal with a horn.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Tail Graph

Here is a graph of "The Use of Animal Tails" that I made when I was bored.

Use - Animal

To show Happiness - Dog

To Move - Dolphin, Alligator, tadpole

To Hang or Hook - Monkeys, seahorses
onto something

To keep their balance - Kangaroos(while boxing), dinosaurs(most), woodpeckers

As a weapon - Stegosaurus, euoplocephalus

To alarm others - White-tailed deer

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Did you know?

Kangaroos use their tails as a spring and to balance on while fighting. I always thought kangaroos were really nice creatures.

Welcome to Animal Facts for Kids!

Hi everybody! This is the website I set up for young animal lovers. Each week, I will post 1-5 interesting animal facts here. Enjoy!